The rugged, multi-purpose monitoring and telemetry platform
HydroMace XCi – Smart packaged data logging
Data logging and telemetry in one package
The HydroMace XCi can be used to monitor just about any environmental sensor. Use the versatility of HydroMace XCi to monitor inputs as diverse as: Flumes & weirs, water quality sensors & rainfall gauges, drinking water flows (leak detection) and weather stations.
The HydroMace XCi continues the long heritage established by MACE over 40 years ago for remote data logging and telemetry. With a fully integrated data logger, solar regulator and battery housed in one rugged weatherproof enclosure, the HydroMace XCi is built to withstand the harshest of environments. Furthermore, the tradition of the HydroMace is continued by the ability to plug ‘n’ play just about any environmental sensor.
With the license-free point ‘n’ click FloCom+ configuration software, no proprietary coding knowledge is required to get the HydroMace XCi going in record time!
Multiple cards for multiple sensor applications
The HydroMace XCi (multiple card interface) allows the user to efficiently monitor an array of environmental sensors. It’s a smart packaged monitoring solution that provides remote data access with alerts and alarms. It’s also telemetry-ready for effective low cost control and rapid response. Users can install any combination of the MACE cards shown, in the five available card slots.
Choose the right card/s for your application to tailor the HydroMace to your exact monitoring requirements now and in the future.
Ready-to-Go straight out of the box
The MACE HydroMace XCi system includes:
- Data logger
- Battery
- LCD display
- Solar regulator
- Multiple cards (application dependent)
All this in one lockable, ruggedized, weatherproof enclosure. No more hunting around for bits and pieces. In most cases you can be up and monitoring in just a couple of hours.
With the installation of a solar panel kit and WebComm card the HydroMace XCi is perfectly setup for monitoring and reporting data from remote locations.
Easily configure with MACE FloCom+ software
- Free configuration and diagnostic software
- Powerful, easy to use Windows® interface
- Painless point ‘n’ click channel calibration
- No proprietary coding knowledge required
SDI-12 sensor interface
Installing an SDI-12 Master Card in the HydroMace XCi will give the ability to attach a wide range of SDI-12 sensors and peripherals:
- Plug ‘n’ play environmental sensors
- Water quality multi-sonde
- pH, DO, EC water quality sensors
- Weather sensors
- Support up to 10 sensors per SDI-12 card
- Powerful SDI-12 setup utility
- SDI-12 version 1.3 compliant
Flume & weir equations built-in
- Native support for:
- Rectangular weirs
- V-notch weirs
- Parshall flumes
- Replogle, Palmer-Bowlus flumes
- Lookup table for other rated structures
- Multiple instances of each flume/weir
Access your data remotely with MACE WebComm
The new MACE WebComm card for 3G/GSM gives remote access to your data. This card is powered by and housed in your XCi device. No further cabling is required.
Data is pushed from your XCi device to the MACE Data Server where it is available for retrieval. This LOW-COST remote data service is FREE of any ongoing charges.
- MACE WebComm card for GSM/3G gives remote access to your data
- Card is powered by and housed in the FloPro XCi
- Data is pushed from your FloPro XCi device to the MACE Data Server where it is available for retrieval on your PC or smartphone
- SMS/Email alert subscription service available