Monitor wastewater, stormwater & industrial flows in full pipes, partially full pipes, and open channels
FloPro XCi – Smart packaged flow monitoring
Flow and water quality monitoring in one package
The FloPro XCi can be used to monitor just about any water quantity and quality sensor together with vital mining, municipal and industrial equipment and assets. Whether you need to measure flow as well as conductivity, pH and rainfall or utilize a downward looking ultrasonic depth sensor to measure pond levels the FloPro is fully expandable to your needs. Furthermore, FloPro is easily interfaced to SCADA/telemetry systems.
FloPro XCi is easy to install, easy to use and virtually maintenance free. Utilizing state of the art MACE Doppler ultrasonic velocity sensors, FloPro has no moving parts and provides minimal obstruction to the flow. MACE Doppler ultrasonic velocity sensors produce superior results under a wide range of hydraulic operating conditions such as those encountered in wastewater and stormwater flows. Even when the pipe slope is unknown, in surcharge, or flowing in reverse, the FloPro produces accurate repeatable data every time.
Multiple cards for multiple sensor applications
The FloPro XCi (multiple card interface) allows the user to efficiently monitor a vast array of water quantity and quality sensors plus vital mining, municipal and industrial equipment and assets. It’s a smart packaged monitoring solution that provides remote data access with alerts and alarms. It’s also telemetry-ready for effective low cost control and rapid response. Users can install any combination of the MACE cards shown, in the five available card slots.
Choose the right card/s for your application to tailor the FloPro to your exact monitoring requirements now and in the future.
True average velocity measurement with MASP technology
MACE velocity sensors use continuous wave Doppler ultrasound to measure the speed of dirt, bubbles and other particles in the stream flow. MACE Doppler ultrasonic sensors "see" particles in water just like turning on a flashlight in fog.
In a full pipe, electromagnetic or mechanical insertion devices "see" a golf ball sized velocity profile and then use complex algorithms to calculate velocity. By contrast, MACE Doppler ultrasonic velocity sensors utilizing MACE Advanced Signal Processing (MASP) technology "see" across the entire stream profile to give a true average velocity.
Ready-to-Go straight out of the box
The MACE FloPro XCi includes everything you need to get up and monitoring. The data logger, battery and controller/sensor cards are all housed inside the ruggedized weatherproof XCi enclosure. An LCD display on the front face of the enclosure allows the user to view all their site data.
No more hunting around for bits and pieces. In most cases you can be up and monitoring in just a couple of hours.
The XCi system includes:
- Ruggedized weatherproof enclosure
- Data logger
- LCD display
- Battery
- Solar panel/regulator
- Required cards
- Velocity/level sensors
Easily configure with MACE FloCom+ software
- Free configuration and diagnostic software
- Powerful, easy to use Windows® interface
- Painless point ‘n’ click channel calibration
- No proprietary coding knowledge required
Access your data remotely with MACE WebComm
The new MACE WebComm card for 3G/GSM gives remote access to your data. This card is powered by and housed in your XCi device. No further cabling is required.
Data is pushed from your XCi device to the MACE Data Server where it is available for retrieval. This LOW-COST remote data service is FREE of any ongoing charges.
- MACE WebComm card for GSM/3G gives remote access to your data
- Card is powered by and housed in the FloPro XCi
- Data is pushed from your FloPro XCi device to the MACE Data Server where it is available for retrieval on your PC or smartphone
- SMS/Email alert subscription service available